We’ve all been here before. We mention something or have a particular interest and get called a word on the left’s big giant Marxist list of insults. Whether it be racist, sexist, or bigot, they continue to shout all of…
Pass the Popcorn
I grew up with Walter Cronkite. That’s the way it is. Woodward and Bernstein were saints. Geraldo Rivera was at one time a respected investigative journalist and the mic in your face from a reporter from 60 Minutes was serious…
Fights, Hate and Misunderstandings: The State of Online Discussion
About two years ago, I made the mistake of tweeting that I cared more about a certain online journalism watchdog group (that I later distanced myself from) than the protests over the murder of an African-American man who may or…
Understanding Unemployment Numbers
Every few months the Bureau of Labor Statistics releases a job report. Every single time the numbers are used as a weapon. We’re told that by whomever is in power at the time tat things are great, after all unemployment is…
Russians and Nazis and the Klan Oh My
There it was Sunday morning. All up and down my time line. “The Russians had hacked the election to install Heir Trump!”, the Tweets screamed in one form or another. It had been pretty clear during the campaign that Pootie…
In Praise of Nature’s Law
We can all get what we want if we can all agree to let each other live our own lives. For too long we have treated government as a vengeful God who is on one side against the other. This…
Being a Gay Polyamorous Furry in Trump’s America
For my introductory contribution to “Liberty Fur All” I feel like I should both give a bio of myself while making pertinent commentary in the same breath. As the title noted, I am an amalgamation of everything that shouldn’t be…
Election 2016- A Post Mortem
Welp, 2016 is almost over. The election has passed us. Harambe, David Bowie and countless other beloved celebrities are as dead as Hillary Clinton’s political career, and Donald Trump is our president. One gets the sense that should Marty McFly…
Let’s Talk Trump
Trump is the president-elect. Regardless of how you feel about him, this is an undeniable fact. The people who are yelling “NOT MY PRESIDENT” are full of themselves. There’s nothing you can do about it. Hillary failed to attract rural…
Hypocritical Left-Wing Furries
We all know how hypocritical people can become in politics. It’s almost natural to most people. Everybody from all sides do it from time to time. Furries are no different. Furries will say many things and then falsify it…
Introductory Post
Welcome to Liberty Fur All, a site dedicated to those in the furry community who subscribe to a little less government control in all our lives. I am your humble host, a kermode bear, and I hope that we can have…